my writing has been -

performed at - Hay Festival (on site) • The Cambridge Junction • The Northwall Theatre (Oxford) • Tobacco Factory Theatre (Bristol) • Alma Tavern (Bristol), The People’s Republic of Stokes Croft • Murray Edwards College (University of Cambridge) • Bernie Grant Arts Centre (London) • Waterloo East Theatre (London) • Oldham Coliseum Theatre (Manchester) • Imperial War Museum North Gallery Main Space • Loud and Queer Festival (online) • my mum’s garden shed (covid lol)

commissioned by - The Hay FestivalProvisional Act Loud and Queer FestivalOldham Coliseum Learning and Engagement Dept.Artstrain Music CharityImperial War Museum North Northwall Theatre (Oxford)

developed through the following professional development schemes - European Theatre Convention Artist ResidencyWysing Arts Centre Development ResidencyMSt Writing for Performance, University of CambridgeNorthwall Arts Centre Catalyst Residency (Oxford)Menagerie Emerging Writers Programme (Cambridge)S+K Underrepresented Writers Project (London)Spotlights New Writing Festival (Bristol)

recognised with the following awards - ETC Artist Scholarship (awarded)Harris Charity Grant (awarded)Royal Court’s Lynne Gagliano Writer’s Award (shortlisted)National Student Drama Festival Judges Award for Theatre Criticism (won)Outspoken Prize for Poetry in Film (longlisted)Walter Swan Playwriting Award (shortlisted) Julian Battersby Drama Award (won) North West Young Person of the Year (shortlisted)

photo credits below (from left to right, top to bottom): Kazia Royzoki, Emma Rogerson, Imperial War Museum North, Maddie Bentley, Oxford Northwall, Oldham Coliseum, Nat Argent, Imperial War Museum North